BloodRayne & Mia, the Vampire Slayer Wiki
BloodRayne & Mia, the Vampire Slayer Wiki

If you can't sleep, I can't sleep. Yeah? And I like sleep. I need sleep.
— Oblivious to Annael
in The Big Empty

Goblivious, also known as The Shadow, is a primordial being who lives in and controls the Empty, a place of nothingness predating all of creation. He is the older brother of Goddess and Titania and the brother-in-law of God, Amara, Eve, Death, Magnus and Oberon.

When Annael went to the Empty after her death at the hands of Mephistopheles, the young angel woke up as did Goblivious. Though the Primordial Being tried to make Annael fall back asleep, Oracle arrived and the two fought until Oracle ultimately convinced him to resurrect Annael so he may return to his sleep, with Goblivious agreeing.


Early History[]


Goblivious has existed since the beginning, alongside the other Primordial Beings, especially his sisters Goddess and Titania. Goblivious initially had feelings for Amara due to constantly having been together and being entities of similar embodiments. However, when Amara became too dangerous, Goblivious solemnly accepted the fact she had to be imprisoned for eternity and did not vex God for it. Even more so, Goblivous did not participate in the Primordial War.

He controls the Empty and he explained to Annael that the Empty existed before creation. When angels and demons die, they go to the Empty where they eternally slumber, allowing the entity to do the same. If even one of its charges is awake, Goblivious is awoken as well until the awakened being is either asleep again or cast out of the Empty.

BloodRayne & Mia the Vampire Slayer The Series[]

Season 13[]


Goblivious manifests in human form when talking to Annael

In The Big Empty, after the Malakhim Annael is awakened by Oracle's and Lucia's telepathic call, Goblivious is awakened again. He arose in the form of a pool of dark liquid inside the Empty after Annael walked by before taking on a vague humanoid form. Goblivious followed Annael as she made her way through the Empty, though she sensed his presence and called out to it. The entity took on the form of a middle-aged man to communicate with her directly. Gobliviouss identified himself as "just your friendly, neighborhood cosmic entity" and stated that he has taken on a human form as his real form is too frightening.

Goblivious explained to Annael that the Empty is what existed before everything, not including the Primordial Beings and Annael was "soaking in it." Goblivious told Annael that how every angel and/or demon that has ever died was in an eternal sleep inside the Empty but was confused by how Annael was awake. According to Goblivious, "in all of forever", nothing has ever awakened inside the Empty, as he mentioned his slumber being disturbed by her awakening. Annael didn't know and suggested that her siblings must have done something, but Goblivious disbelieved this and stated that only he has power over the Empty. Goblivious then put his hand to Annael's forehead and painfully went through her memories in an attempt to find out what could have woken her up. Afterwards, Goblivious explained to Annael, who remained in pain, what he did and that he wanted Annael back to sleep. It described Annael being awake as a trapped gnat that was loudly buzzing in his head, as Annael realized from his description that her being awake was painful for him. This was confirmed by Goblivious himself, stating that if Annael could not sleep, then Goblivious could not sleep as well.

Goblivious insisted that he likes and needs sleep, causing Annael to suggest that he get rid of her by sending Annael back to the living. Goblivious instead suggested that he throw Annael so deep into the Empty that she could not bother him anymore, but Annael recognized that he was bluffing. Annael challenged that Goblivious's plan would not work as he would have already done so if it would. Goblivious acknowledged that Annael was right, but refused to send her back, telling Annael that "it's not part of the deal." Goblivious stated that he has gone through Annael's mind and knows everything there is about her and claimed that there was nothing back for Annael. Goblivious grasped the back of Annael's head, lift her off her feet, and painfully showed Annael visions of her being tortured by Furiad, her fights with other angels, and her death at the hands of Mephistopheles. Goblivious struck down Annael, attempting to convince the young angel that she was worthless so she would return to sleep. However, Annael still refused the his demands and declared that no matter what he does, she will fight him for eternity if she was not released. Goblivious angrily denied Annael's demands as Annael continued to demand for her release from the realm, staring down the entity while making his statement.

Annael later awakened in a meadow on Earth and realized that Goblivious has resurrected her as she demanded.


Oh...let's just say I'm your...friendly neighborhood cosmic entity.
— Goblivious to Annael

Though he has a calm and soft-spoken manner, Goblivious was shown to have a sarcastic manner as shown in his meeting with Annael. He also showed frustration at his failures to break her spirit in an attempt to get her to give up on wanting to live again to get her to return to her slumber.

When this didn't work, Goblivious attacked her out of frustration and called her worthless, which proved unsuccessful. Goblivious was very angry at Annael's defiant attitude, but refused to comply. However, he seems to have some respect for Oracle, as he finally complied to resurrect Annael to be able to return to his slumber.

Powers and Abilities[]

Being the supreme ruler of the Empty and a Primordial Being, Goblivious possesses immeasurable supernatural power, allowing him to do just about anything he wishes, especially within his own realm. Godlivious has also shown to be extremely powerful outside of the Empty, easily overpowering Angels after invading Heaven and killing Reapers after raiding Death's Library without the aid of anything. Goblivious might not be as powerful as his siblings or in-laws, but its huge size -- which encompasses everything beyond creation -- allows it to survive even those cosmic attacks that would threaten the existence of those two supreme beings.

  • Nigh-Omnipotence: As a Primordial Being, Goblivious has the power to do practically anything he wishes and has complete control over the Empty. He claims that not even God has power in the Empty and all within it, though this claim appears to have been "sweet little lies". The Empty is noted by Death to be "vast". However, Goblivious lacks the ability to force something that has awakened in the Empty back to sleep and must either convince them to return to sleep on their own or expel them. In addition to no appearing to be as strong as most of the other Primordial Beings, Oracle has said that while Goblivious's power is equalled to, if not surpassed by, them as well as himself, despite once admitting he would prefer not to fight Goblivious. Also, according to Oracle, being outside the Empty for too long weakens Goblivious.
    • Biokinesis: While Annael was in the Empty, Goblivious was able to torture the Malakhim simply by clenching his hand.
    • Clairsentience: Goblivious was able to sense Sidney's presence in Death's Reading Room, despite him being out of its line of sight.
    • Healing: Despite Annael's manifested body being burned and destroyed, Goblivious was able to restore it with no sign of damage.
    • Reality Warping: Goblivious is able to create matter out of nothing, as he fully rebuilt Annael's manifested body, which was previously burned and destroyed with no visible damage leftover. When he attacked Heaven, Goblivious broke through all of the gates.
    • Resurrection: Goblivious was able to resurrect Annael, returning her to Earth in the process.
    • Shapeshifting: Due to its terrifying true form, Goblivious can take on the form of whatever it wishes. In The Empty, he changed from his true form to the appearance of a middle-aged man when speaking to Annael and before pursuing her, he changed from a puddle of black ooze and took on a vague humanoid form to walk around The Empty. However, it seems powerful beings, like Oracle and Billie, are able to see Goblivious in his true form.
    • Super Stamina: Goblivious has been sleeping in The Empty since before existence, without needing any sustenance to maintain itself.
    • Super Strength: Goblivious was able to effortlessly lift, overpower and beat Annael. When he attacked Heaven, Goblivious effortlessly defeated (but not killed) all the angels that stood in his way. Goblivious was also able to overpower Annael and Lucia, and strangled Eartheia to the point that he was briefly unconscious with no effort. Goblivious's strength equals that of Death. He was strong enough that he had the slight upper hand over Oracle himself.
    • Telekinesis: Goblivious was able to stop Annael by raising his hand towards her. He was also able to kill several Reapers by snapping their necks with telekinesis.
    • Telepathy: In order to learn more about Annael, Goblivious painfully dug through her memories. He later used this power to show her some of her most painful memories in an effort to convince Annael that she was worthless and should go back to sleep.
    • Teleportation: Goblivious has the ability to go anywhere in the realms of the afterlife. He was able to transverse both Heaven and Death's Reading Room. It appears that this is not absolute because he states the inability to go to Earth without being summoned, though Goblivious implied this was due to God causing this limitation.
      • Apporting: With just a snap of his fingers, Goblivious was able to teleport Sidney from across the room to right in front of him.
  • Nigh-Omniscience: Goblivious has a certain level of cosmic awareness: he knows about the worlds and what happened before its creation, as it knew about Amara. As with other cosmic beings, though, Goblivious' knowledge of things isn't perfect; even it couldn't figure out why Annael had awoken from her death in what it considers "all of forever." He could also not tell whether or not Sidney was telling the truth when he related that Billie had sent her to Death's Library to talk with Goblivious.
  • Immortality: As the supreme ruler of the Empty, Goblivious has been around for a very long time. He is immortal, immune to aging and disease, and has existed almost as old as God himself. At one point, Goblivious called Annael "kiddo" implying that it is older than the angel.
    • Invulnerability: Goblivious cannot be killed by any known weapon, its only known weakness is sleep deprivation. Despite being weaker than most of the Primordial Beings, Billie stated that it's "vast". However, if stabbed with Lim 'E Light, he will be eradicated from all existence.


Although he is the ruler of the Empty and one of the Primordial Beings, even Goblivious has a few weaknesses of his own as well, thus even he is not without his shortcomings.

  • Aurora: As his sister, Aurora can harm Goblivious but she is not capable of killing him.
  • Awakening of The Empty Inhabitants: As long as the inhabitants of the Empty sleep, so does Goblivious. However, if even a single inhabitant is awake, he also wakes up the entity from its sleep. Furthermore, having waking inhabitants in the Empty causes him pain.
    • Sleep Deprivation: Being in deep slumber since before all existence, Goblivious can be severely disturbed if he cannot rest. Annael claimed, while she cannot beat Goblivious, she can stay awake to lay pressure to him. However, Oracle has said that Goblivious can still remain active for days before becoming too tired to continue.
  • Outside The Empty: While Goblivious is supremely powerful, even outside the Empty, his power seems to be limited when he leaves the Empty. However, while being outside the Empty does appears to hurt him, Goblivious cannot die even if forever separated from the Empty, but being out of the Empty for such a long time can weaken him to the point of being incapacitated unless his essence is returned to the Empty, in which case he would be able to quickly regenerate.